Showing 54 results for Shah
A. Khakzadshahandashti, N.varahram, P. Davami,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (June 2014)
This article examines the Weibull statistical analysis that was used for investigating the effect of melt
filtration on tensile properties and defects formed inside the casting. Forming and entrapping of double oxide films
have been explained by using the context of critical velocity of melt in the runner. SutCast software results were used
to examine the amounts of the velocity of melt as such. SEM/EDX analysis is used to observe the presence of double
oxide films in the fracture surfaces of the tensile specimens. The article goes on to propose that castings made with
foam filters with smaller pores show higher mechanical properties and reliability due to higher Weibull modulus and
fewer defects
S. Ahmadi, H.r. Shahverdi, H. Arabi,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (september 2014)
This study is focused on the effects of electroslag remelting by prefused slag (CaO, Al2O3, and CaF2) on macrostructure and reduction of inclusions in the medical grad of 316LC (316LVM) stainless steel. Results showed that in order to obtain uniform ingot structures during electroslag remelting, the shape and depth of the molten pool should be carefully controlled. High melting rates lead to deeper pool depths and interior radial solidification characteristics. Furthermore, decrease in the melting rate caused more reduction of non-metallic inclusions. In practice, large shrinkage cavities formed during the conventional casting process in the primary ingots were the cause of the fluctuation in the melting rate, pool depth and extension of equiaxal crystals zone
S Ahmadi, H. R. Shahverdi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (December 2014)
Achieving extreme hardness in the newly synthetic steel formed by converting from initial amorphous state to subse-quent crystalline structure –named as devitrification process- was studied in this research work. Results of TEM observa-tions and XRD tests showed that crystallized microstructure were made up four different nano-scale phases i.e., α-Fe, Fe 36 Cr12 Mo10 , Fe 3 C and Fe3 B. More, Vickers hardness testing revealed a maximum hardness of 18.6 GPa which is signifi-cantly harder than existing hardmetals. Detailed kinetic and structural studies have been proof that two key factors were contributed to achieve this extreme hardness supersaturation of transition metal alloying elements (especially Nb) and also reduction in the structure to the nano-size crystals.
B. Shahbazi, B. Rezai, S. Chehreh Chelgani, S. M. J. Koleini, M. Noaparast,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (march 2015 2015)
Multivariable regression and artificial neural network procedures were used to modeling of the input power
and gas holdup of flotation. The stepwise nonlinear equations have shown greater accuracy than linear ones where
they can predict input power, and gas holdup with the correlation coefficients of 0.79 thereby 0.51 in the linear, and
R2=0.88 versus 0.52 in the non linear, respectively. For increasing accuracy of predictions, Feed-forward artificial
neural network (FANN) was applied. FANNs with 2-2-5-5, and 2-2-3-2-2 arrangements, were capable to estimating of
the input power and gas holdup, respectively. They were achieved quite satisfactory correlations of 0.96 in testing stage
for input power prediction, and 0.64 for gas holdup prediction
M. Siadat-Cheraghi, S. R. Allahkaram, Z. Shahri,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (march 2015 2015)
Pure cobalt coatings were electrodeposited on copper substrate by means of direct electric current in a
chloride solution at different current densities in the range of 10-70 mA cm
. The surface morphology and
microstructure were investigated via X-ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy. Corrosion behavior
of cobalt coatings was also studied in a 3.5 wt% NaCl solution using potentiodynamic polarization and impedance
spectroscopy techniques. The results showed that corrosion resistance of deposits was strongly influenced by the
coating’s morphology. Co deposit obtained in lower current densities exhibited the highest corrosion resistance, due
to their lower grain boundaries and so the least density of active sites for preferential corrosion attacks
M. Abbas, S. Nisar, A. Shah, F. Imtiaz Khan,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (June 2015)
Aluminium base alloy (Al-Cu-Si) was reinforced with silicon carbide (SiC) particles, in various percentage
compositions from 0-20 wt%. Silicon carbide particle size of 20µm was selected. The molten slurry of SiC reinforced
base aluminium metal was casted through green and dry sand casting methods and solidification process was carried
out under ambient conditions. A selected population of total casted samples were subjected to T6 heat treatment
process, followed by evaluation of mechanical properties of hardness, tensile strength and impact loading. The micro
sized SiC particles were preheated up to 300C prior pouring into the melted metal, for subsequent removal of residual
gases and moisture content. A continuous manual stirring method was used for homogenous distribution of reinforced
particle in molten slurry. The experimental results revealed that the highest parameters of hardness, impact energy and
tensile strength were achieved in the T6 heat treated specimens having highest percentage composition (20%) of
Silicon Carbide (SiC) particles
S. Ahmadi, H. R. Shahverdi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (June 2015)
Crystallization of α – Fe phase during annealing process of Fe55Cr18Mo7B16C4 bulk amorphous alloy has
been evaluated by X- ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetric tests and TEM observations in this research.
In effect, crystallization mechanism and activation energy of crystallization were evaluated using DSC tests in four
different heating rates (10, 20, 30, 40 K/min). A two -step crystallization process was observed in the alloy in which
α–Fe phases was crystallized in the first step after annealing process. Activation energy for the first step of
crystallization process (i.e. α – Fe phase) was measured to be 276 (Kj/mole) according to Kissinger kinetic model.
Furthermore, Avrami exponent calculated from DSC curves was two and a three -dimensional diffusion controlled
mechanism with decreasing nucleation rate was observed in the alloy. It is also known from the TEM observations that
crystalline α – Fe phase nucleated in the structure of the alloy in an average size of 10 nm and completely mottled
M. Ershadi Khameneh, H. Shahverdi, M. M. Hadavi,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (December 2015)
Creep age forming (CAF) is one of the novel methods in aerospace industry that has been used to manufacture components of panels with improved mechanical properties and reduced fabrication cost. CAF is a combined age-hardening and stress-relaxation that are responsible for strengthening and forming, respectively. This paper deals with the experimental investigations of mechanical and springback properties of Al-Zn-Mg Al alloy in creep forming process. Creep forming experiments have been performed at temperatures of 120◦C and 180◦C for 6–72 h. Results indicated that yield stress and hardness of creep age formed specimens increased with increasing forming time and temperature, simultaneously induced deflection by stress-relaxation increased. Incorporating spring back and mechanical properties, it can be found that the appropriate forming cycle was 180 ◦C/24 h among all forming conditions. CAF Time increase to a certain extent increased mechanical properties. This can be attributed to presence of stress in CAF that causes the precipitates be finer because of creation more nucleation sites. Therefor the growth of precipitates, takes place at long time and postpones the decreasing of the yield stress
S. Alamolhoda, S. M. Mirkazemi, T. Shahjooyi, N. Benvidi,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (March 2016)
Nano-sized NiFe2O4 powders were synthesized by sol–gel auto-combustion method using pH values from 7 to 9 in the sol. The effect of pH variations on complexing behavior of the species in the sol has been explained. Changes in phase constituents, microstructure and magnetic properties by changes in pH values were evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and vibration sample magnetometer (VSM) techniques. Changes in pH value from 7 to 9 changes the amounts of NiFe2O4, FeNi3 and α-Fe2O3 phases. Calculated mean crystallite sizes are in the range of 44 to 51nm. FESEM micrographs revealed that increasing the pH value to 9 causes formation of coarse particles with higher crystallinity. Saturation magnetization was increased from 36.96emu/g to 39.35emu/g by increasing pH value from 7 to 8 which is the result of increased FeNi3 content. Using higher pH values in the sol reduces the Ms value.

A. Izadpanahi, S. Baghshahi, A. Shalbaf Zadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (September 2016)
In the following research, Lead magnesium niobate relaxor ferroelectric (PMN-PZT) ceramic powders were synthesized using the combustion method grand urea as the fuel for the first time. The starting materials used were lead nitrate, magnesium acetate, niobium oxide, zirconium nitrate, titanium oxide.
The raw materials were first mixed using the general formula of (1-x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3, with x=0.3. The synthesized powders were characterized using XRD, SEM and FTIR spectroscopy techniques. The X-ray diffraction patterns revealed that the structure of the prepared samples were tetragonal at 500,600,700 and 800 oC. However, the monoclinic phase was detected in the samples calcined at 800 oC and the amount of pyrocholore phase also drastically decreased at this temperature. The band gap widths of the samples were measured via UV spectroscopy in the wave number range of 400-4000cm-1. The results show that by increasing the calcination temperature, the band gap width of the prepared samples decreases. SEM micrographs verify that by rising the calcination temperature, the structure of the prepared samples becomes more homogenous.
E. Gharibshahiyan, A. Honarbakhsh Raouf,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (December 2016)
Friction welding is widely used in various industries. In friction welding, heat is generated by conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy at the interface the work pieces during pin rotation under pressure. A three-dimensional thermo mechanical simulation of friction stir welding (FSW) processes is carried out for Aluminium Alloys of 6061and 7050 where the simulation results are compared directly with the measured temperature histories during FSW after process. The objective of the present work is to study and predict the heat transient generated in alloy aluminium plate welded by FSW method. A three dimensional model was developed by LS-Dyna software and heat cycles have been proposed during the welding of aluminium alloys 6061 and 7050. In this research, the simulations were carried out with linear velocity in the range of 140 to 225 mm/min and pin rotational speeds of 390 and 500 rpm. Increase in pin rotational speed, from 390 to 500 rpm, resulted in greater temperatures which translated to rise of recorded temperature of top and bottom of the specimens. This is in turn to a wider HAZ. In addition, it was observed that raising the linear velocity had an opposite effect. Finally, results of experimental and numerical data were correlated and validated
M. Shahmiri,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (December 2016)
Over the last few decades, there have been many mechanisms proposed to describe the formation of the non-dendritic microstructures during Semisolid Metal (SSM) processing; including dendrite fragmentation, spherical growth, cellular growth and recalescence. Dendrite fragmentation is the most popular mechanism of all these hypotheses. It is the purpose of the present article to examine the morphological evolution of the non-dendritic microstructures, based on models proposed by Flemings, Vogel, Cantor, and Doherty during SSM processing of the Al-Si (A356) alloy. Based on new microstructural evidences, including (1) - plastic deformation at the side arms by slip lines formation as a result of the thermal fatigue mechanism, (2) - crack formation at the root of the side arms and (3) – the interaction of a rapidly sheared hot viscous medium with these regions, i.e. erosion; it propose and hereby discuss a new mechanism called "fatigue –erosion", for dendrites fragmentation of the experimental alloy. Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with EBSD and EDS, TEM, and AFM was used for the microstructural characterizations.
M. Shahmiri,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (March 2017)
In the present work microstructural evolution of A356 Aluminum alloy using an inclined cooling plate casting process for thixoforming feedstock production is investigated. The resultant microstructure was evaluated and compared with those of the same alloy produced by the conventional casting process, i.e. directly cast in the same mold without using an inclined cooling plate. It was found that when alloy melt poured over an inclined cooling plate and subsequently cast in semisolid condition into a metallic mould resulted in fine rosettes and nearly globular α-Al primary phase uniformly distributed in an Al +Si eutectic matrix. The effect of the processing parameters such as the lengths and angles of the inclined cooling plate and their combinations were identified to produce alloy ingot with the most suitable microstructural constituent for thixoforming process
H. Torabzadeh Kashi, M. Bahrami, J. Shahbazi Karami, Gh. Faraji,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (June 2017)
In this paper, cyclic flaring and sinking (CFS) as a new severe plastic deformation (SPD) method was employed to produce the ultrafine grain (UFG) copper tubes. The extra friction has eliminated in the CFS method that provided the possibility for production of longer UFG tubes compared to the other SPD methods. This process was done periodically to apply more strain and consequently finer grain size and better mechanical properties. The CFS was performed successfully on pure copper tubes up to eleven cycles. Mechanical properties of the initial and processed tubes were extracted from tensile tests in the different cycles. The remarkable increase in strength and decrease in ductility take placed in the CFS-ed tubes. The material flow behavior during CFS processing was analyzed by optical microscopy (OM), and a model was presented for grain refinement mechanism of pure copper based on multiplication and migration of dislocations (MMD). This mechanism caused that the initial grains converts to elongated dislocation cells (subgrains) and then to equiaxed ultrafine grains in the higher cycles. The CFS method refined the microstructure to fine grains with the mean grain size of 1200nm from initial coarse grain size of 40µm
M. Shahraki, S. M. Habibi-Khorassani, M. Noroozifar, Z. Yavari, M. Darijani, M. Dehdab,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (December 2017)
The inhibition performances of nafcillin (III), methicillin (II) and penicillin G (I) on the corrosion of copper in HCl was studied and tested by weight loss, Tafel polarization, SEM, UV-vis spectrophotometry, molecular dynamics method and quantum chemical calculations. Polarization curves indicated that the studied inhibitors act as mixed-type inhibitors. The values of inhibition efficiency and surface coverage were found to follow the order: Blank
ads, indicated that the adsorption of three inhibitors was a spontaneous process. The SEM micrographs confirmed the protection of copper in a 1 M HCl solution by penicillin G, nafcillin, and methicillin. The shape of the UV/vis spectra of inhibitors in the presence of the immersion of Cu showed a strong support to the possibility of the chemisorbed layer formation on Cu surface by nafcillin (between nafcillin and Copper) and physisorption between penicillin and methicillin with copper. DFT calculations were performed to provide further insight into the inhibition efficiencies which were determined experimentally. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were applied to find the most stable configuration and adsorption energies of penicillin G, nafcillin and methicillin molecules on Cu (110) surface. The interaction energy followed the order: nafcillin (III)> methicillin (II)> penicillin G (I), which confirmed that nafcillin has the strongest interaction with the metal surface. The obtained results from experimental and theoretical methods were in reasonable agreement.
F. Farzan, H. R. Shahverdi, F. Malek Ghaeni,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (June 2018)
Recently, wear resistant properties of metallic glasses has attracted a lot of interest. Because the surface of metallic glasses are prone to phase transformation, finding the effects of test condition on structure and wear behavior of metallic glasses is important. In this research, by using an automated electrospark deposition (ESD), a layer of Fe
4 was deposited on AISI 316l stainless steel. Metallographic,
scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analyses of the coating were conducted for measuring the thickness and analyzing composition of the coating. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) investigations showed that the structure of the coating was amorphous. Ball on disc wear tests were conducted in dry and wet conditions and Ringer’s solution was chosen as the wetting agent. The wear test results showed that the coefficient of friction in dry condition was lower than the wet condition and wear modes were fatigue and corrosive wear in dry and wet conditions respectively. SEM and EDS analyses showed different features and elemental inhomogeneity on the surface of the dry wear track, which were not detectable in wet wear track. In addition, activation of diffusion process and formation of carbides and borides were observed on the wear track in dry condition.
M. Tavakoli Harandi, M. Askari-Paykani, H. Shahverdi, M. Nili Ahmadabadi,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (March 2019)
One-step and two-step annealing techniques were used to examine the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties during compression tests in iron-based ribbons and nanostructured 1- and 2.5mm cylindrical rods. The X-ray diffraction, microstructural, and mechanical results showed that substituting Nb for Fe had a minor effect on glass-forming ability but increased the formability index. The novel two-step annealing process resulted in a remarkable formability index of 16.62 GPa, yield stress of 2830 MPa, ultimate strength of 3866 MPa, and 4.3% plastic strain. A ductile nanosized α-Fe framework and boron-containing nano precipitations, which caused Zener pinning effect, were responsible for these novel mechanical properties.
M. Imran, R. Khan, S. Badshah,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (March 2019)
Composite structures are widely used in many applications ranging from, but not limited to, aerospace industry, automotive, and marine structures due to their attractive mechanical properties like high strength to weight ratios. However composite structures needs utmost care during structures manufacturing and working conditions should be assessed prior to installation. One of the important defect in composite structures is delamination. Present work is focused on investigation of delamination effects on the natural frequencies of composite plate using commercial finite element software, ABAQUS. Analytical results were also analyzed using MATLAB code. Different stacking sequences and boundary conditions are considered for study in both analytical formulation and finite element analysis. Finite element results are compared with analytical results to validate the perfect composite plate. The natural frequency of the composite plate reduced with an increase in delamination size. Additionally, all-sides clamped composite plate showed higher values of natural frequency than other constraints in lower modes for symmetrical laminates. Natural frequency in cross ply laminates are higher for the simply supported composite plates. On comparison, results from both the techniques, finite element analysis and analytical analysis, were in good agreement.
A. Khakzadshahandashti, N. Varahram, P. Davami, M. Pirmohammadi,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (September 2019)
The combined influence of both melt filtration and cooling rate on the microstructure features and mechanical properties of A356 cast alloy was studied. A step casting model with five different thicknesses was used to obtain different cooling rates. The effect of melt filtration was studied by using of 10 and 20 ppi ceramic foam filters in the runner. Results showed that secondary dendrite arm spacing decreased from 80 μm to 34 μm with increasing cooling rate. Use of ceramic foam filters in the runner led to the reduction of melt velocity and surface turbulence, which prevented incorporation of oxide films and air in the melt, and consequently had an overall beneficial effect on the quality of the castings. A matrix index, which is the representative of both SDAS and microporosity content, was defined to consider the simultaneous effect of melt filtration and cooling rates on UTS variations. Also, the fracture surface study of test bars cast using 10 and 20 ppi ceramic foam filters showed features associated with ductile fracture.
E. Shahmohamadi, A. Mirhabibi, F. Golestanifard,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (September 2019)
An accurate prediction of reaction kinetics of silicon nitridation is of great importance in designing procedure of material production and controlling of reaction. The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of temperature on the kinetics of reaction bonded silicon nitride (RBSN) formation. To achieve this, nitrogen diffusion in the silicon nitride layer is considered as a reaction controlling factor and sharp interface method based on this theory is used to develop the analytical model. In the developed model, the variations in the size of silicon particles are calculated for the whole reaction. In the experimental phase, the extent of nitridation is measured for different reaction temperatures and 4 different reaction times and then, the occurrence of full nitridation is shown by EDS analysis. Furthermore, an analytical approach was established for describing the kinetics of compound formation and the performance of the developed model is evaluated through statistical analysis. There was good agreement between experimental data and predictions of the developed model which demonstrates the accuracy of considered presumptions and reaction mechanisms. An accurate prediction of reaction kinetics of silicon nitridation is of great importance in designing procedure of material production and controlling of reaction. The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of temperature on the kinetics of reaction bonded silicon nitride (RBSN) formation. To achieve this, nitrogen diffusion in the silicon nitride layer is considered as a reaction controlling factor and sharp interface method based on this theory is used to develop the analytical model. In the developed model, the variations in the size of silicon particles are calculated for the whole reaction. In the experimental phase, the extent of nitridation is measured for different reaction temperatures and 4 different reaction times and then, the occurrence of full nitridation is shown by EDS analysis. Furthermore, an analytical approach was established for describing the kinetics of compound formation and the performance of the developed model is evaluated through statistical analysis. There was good agreement between experimental data and predictions of the developed model which demonstrates the accuracy of considered presumptions and reaction mechanisms.