Showing 46 results for Pt
Arabi H., Rastegari S., Mohammad-Sadeghi B.,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2004)
In this research, effects of changes in aluminizing conditions on microstructure of Pt - aluminide coating applied oil a Ni - base superalloy GTD -111, has been studied. A thin layer (i.e.68,#mm ) of Pt was electroplated onto the surface of the .samples, and then they were aluminized by pack cementation technique under various conditions of time, temperature, rate of heating and pack powder compositions In addition, by application of a thin Ni layer on the substrate before applying Pt, the source of nickel available for diffusing into Pt layer during aluminizing process enhanced and the need for an extra heat treatment cycle before aluminizing process was practically omitted. Addition of a nickel layer, also prevented scaling of Pt layer during its electroplating and aluminizing processes that helps enhancement of cohesiveness of the coated layers.The general microstructure of the coating consisted of four layers, which are PtA12layer internal diffusion layer external diffusion layer and interdiffusion zone. The structure of each layer has been studied by optical and scanning electron microscopes as well as XRD technique.The results show the presence of the original Pt - electroplated layer had no effect on the thicknesses of the coating layers, but higher aluminizing time and temperature had increased the thicknesses of interdiffusion and internally diffused layers. In addition, at high temperature, aluminizing with a lower heating rate caused an increase in the thickness of internal diffusion layer. Aluminizing with a lower heating rate at high temperature (more than 900°C) had increased the thickness of interdiffusion laver Attempt has been made to justify , the changes occurred in microstructures and thick nesses of various coating layers as they exposed to different aluminizing conditions.
A. Khavasfar1,, M. H. Moayed2, M. M. Attar3,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2007)
Abstract: The performance of an Imidazoline based commercial corrosion inhibitor in CO2
corrosion of a gas-well tubing steel was studied by employing Electrochemical Impedance
Spectroscopy (EIS) technique. Inhibitor performance was investigated by means of its efficiency at
various concentration and also its behavior at various exposure time. EIS results showed that
inhibitor interaction to the electrode surface obeys Lungmuir adsorption isotherm. Interpretation
of some parameters such as Rct, Rpf, Cdl, and Cpf associated to the equivalent circuit fitted to the
experimental rsults showed that not only inhibitor efficiency and surface coverage improve by
increasing in inhibitor concentration in the solution but also at constant inhibitor concentration
both surface coverage and efficiency improve with exposure time and reach to their highest value
after 4 hours.
M. Shahmiri, S. Murphy,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2008)
Abstract: The microstructural features of the early stage of ordering of the intermetallic compound Pt2FeCu have been
examined using optical and transmission electron microscopy in conjunction with X-ray diffraction technique. It was
found that the compound has similar morphological alteration to that of FePt in which the ordering cannot be
suppressed by rapid quenching.
The early stage of ordering transformation was initiated at temperatures above the critical value of 1178 oC, by a
homogeneous nucleation of the intermediate short range ordered particles and ultra rapid directional-induced
heterogeneous growth (burst type). As the result of these combined mechanisms, twin –related ordered domains have
been formed which in turn minimize the strains produced by ordering reaction in polycrystalline material. The
individual grain was divided up by different sizes of twin-related ordered domain bonded with {101} habit planes.
B. Mirzakhani,mohammadi, H. Arabi,s. H. Seyedein, M. R. Aboutalebi, M. T. Saleh, Sh. Khoddam,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2009)
Abstract:Optimization of specimen geometry before subjecting it to hot torsion test (HTT) is essential for minimizingnon-uniform temperature distribution and obtaining uniform microstructure thought the specimen.In the present study, a nonlinear transient analysis was performed for a number of different geometries andtemperatures using the commercial finite element (FE) package ANSYSTM. FE thermal results then were applied tooptimize HTTspecimen produced from API-X 70 microalloyed steel taking into account the microstructurehomogeneity. The thermodynamic software Thermo-calcTM was also used to analysis solubility of microalloyingelements and their precipitates that may exist at different equilibrium conditions. In addition the behavior of austenitegrain size during reheating was investigated. The results show high temperature gradient occurred in long specimens.This could lead to non homogeneous initial austenite grain size and alloying element or precipitates within the gaugesection of the specimen. The proposed optimization procedure can in general be used for other materials and reheatingscenarios to reduce temperature. This then creates more homogeneous initial microstructure prior to deformation andreduces errors in post processing of the HTTresults
M. Rezvani*,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (10-2010)
Abstract: In the present work, effect of the nucleating agent such as TiO2, ZrO2, P2O5, Ye2O3 and CeO2 in single, double, triple and fourth systems on the crystallization behavior of various compositions was studied. Using differential thermal analysis (DTA), the composition of Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 (LAS) was optimized and the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), three point flexural strength, hardness, thermal shock resistance, and chemical resistance of the most favorable composition were evaluated. The crystalline phase was determined by the x-ray diffractometry. Moreover, the micro-structure of the samples was studied by SEM technique. According to the results, -Eucryptites (high quartz solid solution) was the main crystalline phase and the CTE values of the optimized sample were determined as 1.65-1.93 10-6 in the temperature range of 20-500 oC. Furthermore, three point bending strength ranged from 139 to 155 MPa.
M. Rezvani,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2011)
The effect of Y2O3, CeO2, P2O5, ZrO2 and TiO2 in single, double and triple form on crystallization mechanism of Li2OAl2O3- SiO2(LAS) glass-ceramic system was investigated .The nucleation and crystallization peak temperatures of optimized samples in each group were determined by Ray & Day method .The crystalline phase was determined by the X-ray diffractometery .The micro-structure of the samples was studied by SEM techniqe .Crystallization activation energy ,E, and kinetic constants(n ,m) were determined by differential thermal analysis (DTA) through Marotta and Augis-Bennet methods .According to the results ,the Avrami constants(m ,n) derived from the Marotta and Augis- Bennett, glasses containing both ZrO2 and TiO2 nuclei were showed bulk crystallization .The crystallization mechanism of specimens containing ZrO2, TiO2 and CeO2 in the triple nuclei series represent two-dimensional bulk crystallization .By comparison of Avrami constants and activation energy of crystallization of optimized samples with other results they gave much lower value of E(255.5 kJ/mol) and higher value of n in 4.38.The lattice constants of the main phase( -eucryptite solid solution)in samples were determined according to the XRD results
M. Ghamari, B. Mirhadi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2012)
Abstract: Glassy samples with xTiO2 .3SiO2 .Na2O composition that (8≤x≤40) (molar) were casted in refractory steel molds after melting at air as parallel palates. After polishing and getting to desire thickness, UV-VIS spectrometry in 200 -1100 nm was measured on samples. Glass density was measured by a sensitive micro balance and was found that by increasing titanium dioxide of glasses, glass density increases. Results from UV-VIS spectroscopy show that increase of titanium dioxide decreases light transmission and this value reaches zero for sample with 40 molar percent of titanium dioxide. One reason of this reduction is formation of crystalline phase in glass, in which, by increasing titanium content crystalline phase will be increased, results of X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy confirm this claim.
Dr Mohammad Reza Allazadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2012)
Abstract: A combination of a finite element method (FEM) algorithm with ANSYS codes and post image processing of NDT ultrasonic images along with laboratory cooling experiments and microstructural analysis provide a guideline to determine the optimum cooling rate for any grade of steel in which the highest productivity can be achieved without any degradation of the cast steel products. The suggested FEM algorithm with ANSYS codes is introduced to develop a quasi real models to simulate quenching of as-cast steel with any cooling rate from any initial temperature below steel’s melting point. The algorithm builds a model which is capable to approximate the thermodynamic stresses generated by thermal strain and possible solid-solid phase transformation for as-cast steel with any chemical composition. The model is applicable for any casting geometry (slab, billet and bloom, bar, etc) and adaptable for any method of cooling (unidirectional or multidirectional). Cooling with any cooling agent can be simulated with the algorithm in an ideal case. The phase transformation of the steel in the algorithm can be controlled by Continuous Cooling Transformation (CCT) Diagram obtained from analytical calculation or real time-temperature-transformation experiments for the cast steel. A function for optimizing cooling rate is suggested.
M. S. Saghian, R. Naghizadeh, H. Sarpoolaky,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2013)
In this study, the effect of different parameters such as time and temperature of calcination and milling on the formation of calcium aluminosilicates was investigated. Raw materials used in this study were calcium carbonate and kaolin in high purity. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained from all samples after heat treatment at various temperatures and times. To study the microstructure scanning electron microscope was used. Milling the samples contributed to the amorphous structure due to inducing defects in the structure. Moreover, increasing the milling time reduced crystallization temperature of anorthite. Uptake experiments were performed using solutions containing different concentrations of nickel. Samples were exposed to the solution for 24 h with stirring then the samples were filtered and the concentrations of the cations in the separated solutions were analyzed. FTIR analysis was conducted on the adsorbents before and after nickel uptake. Nevertheless, they hardly helped understand sorption mechanisms. Therefore, adsorption isotherms were studied instead. Three adsorption isotherms of Langmuir, Freundlich and DKR were used to model sorption data. Results suggested monolayer sorption occurs on the surface of the adsorbent and sorption energy calculated by DKR model was 22.36 kJ/mol which can be described as a strong chemical adsorption mechanism
A. Azizi, S. Z. Shafaei, M. Noaparast, M. Karamoozian,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2013)
This paper was aimed to address the modeling and optimization of factors affecting the corrosive wear of low alloy and high carbon chromium steel balls. Response surface methodology, central composite design (CCD) was employed to assess the main and interactive effects of the parameters and also to model and minimize the corrosive wear of the steels. The second-order polynomial regression model was proposed for relationship between the corrosion rates and relevant investigated parameters. Model fitted to results indicated that the linear effects of all of factors, interactive effect of pH and grinding time and the quadratic effects of pH and balls charge weight, were statistically significant in corrosive wear of low alloy steel balls. The significant parameters in the corrosive wear of high carbon chromium steel balls were the linear effects of all factors, the interactions effect of solid concentration, mill speed, mill throughout, grinding time, and the quadratic effects of pH and solid content. Also, the results showed that within the range of parameters studied, the corrosion rate of 78.38 and 40.76 could be obtained for low alloy and high carbon chromium steel balls, respectively.
J. Dahdele, I. Danaee, G. H. Rashed, M. Rashvandavei,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2015)
The inhibition behavior of N,N′-bis(2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone)-propandiimine (THAPP) as an
environmentally friendly Salen Ligand on the corrosion inhibition of mild steel was studied in alkaline solution
(pH=10) containing 3% NaCl. Measurements were carried out using electrochemical and surface techniques. The
experimental results suggested that this compound was an effective corrosion inhibitor for mild steel and the protection
efficiency was increased with the increase in inhibitor concentration. Polarization curves indicated that this organic
compound was a mixed-type inhibitor. Adsorption on the mild steel surface follows the Langmuir isotherm model.
Activation parameters and thermodynamic adsorption parameters of the corrosion process such as E
, ΔH, ΔS, K
and ΔG
were calculated by the obtained corrosion currents at different temperatures
M. Maddah, M. Rajabi, S. M. Rabiee,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2015)
In this study, the composite material with composition of MgH2-5 wt% SiC has been prepared by co-milling of MgH2 with SiC powder. The effect of milling time and additive on MgH2 structure, i.e. crystallite size, lattice strain, particle size and specific surface area, and also hydrogen desorption properties of obtained composite was evaluated by thermal analyzer method and compared with pure un-milled MgH2. The phase constituents and grain size of powder were characterized by X-ray diffractometry method. It has been shown that addition of 5 wt% SiC to MgH2 and mechanical alloying up to 30 h formed a nanocrystalline composite with the average crystallite size of 12 nm, average particle size of 0.5 µm and specific surface area of 10 m2/g. On the other hand, SiC can help to break up particles and reduce the particle size. As a consequence, the desorption temperature of composite material milled for 30 h has decreased from 435 °C to 361 °C.
J. Odusote, O. Ajayi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2016)
Jatropha curcas leaves extract was tested as a green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in aqueous hydrochloric acid solution using gravimetric and thermometric techniques. The results reveal that the inhibition efficiency vary with concentration of the leaf extract and the time of immersion. Maximum inhibition efficiency was found to be 95.92% in 2M HCl with 0.5 g/l concentration of the extract in gravimetric method, while 87.04% was obtained in thermometric method. The inhibiting effect was attributed to the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and phenol in the extract. The adsorption processes of the Jatropha curcas leaves extract onto the mild steel is consistent with the assumptions of Langmuir isotherm model and also found to be spontaneous. From the results, a physical adsorption mechanism is proposed for the adsorption of Jatropha curcas leaves extract onto mild steel surface.
A. Ehsani, S Bodaghi, H Mohammad Shiri, H Mostaanzadeh, M Hadi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2016)
In this study, an organic compound inhibitor, namely N-benzyl-N-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-tetrazole-5-amine (NBTA), was synthesized and the role of this inhibitor for corrosion protection of stainless steel (SS) exposed to 0.5 M H2SO4 was investigated using electrochemical, and quantum analysis. By taking advantage of potentiodynamic polarization, the inhibitory action of NBTA was found to be mainly mixed type with dominant anodic inhibition. The effectiveness of the inhibitor was also indicated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Moreover, to provide further insight into the mechanism of inhibition, quantum chemical calculations of the inhibitor were performed. The adsorption of NBTA onto the SS surface followed the Langmuir adsorption model with the free energy of adsorption ΔG0ads of of -7.88 kJ mol-1. Quantum chemical calculations were employed to give further insight into the mechanism of inhibition action of NBTA.
N. Ghanbarpourabdoli, Sh. Raygan, H. Abdizadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2016)
In this study, the adsorption of hexavalent chromium and zinc ions from the solution is investigated by raw red mud and mechanical-chemical activated red mud along with the possibility of selective reclamation of these ions from the solution. The mechanical-chemical activation of red mud was done by employing high-energy milling and subsequent acid treatment with HNO3. Raw red mud (RRM) and mechanical-chemical activated red mud (MCARM) adsorbents were characterized with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) methods. In order to determine the suitable adsorption conditions, effects of pH of the solution, amount of adsorption, temperature, and time of adsorption were investigated. It was found that the optimum pH for the adsorption of hexavalent chromium and zinc ions by MCARM adsorbent was 2 and 6, respectively. According to these pH values, MCARM had the ability to separately adsorb more than 95 and 79% of hexavalent chromium and zinc ions from the solution, respectively. Experimental results were in good agreement with Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. By considering the kinetic models of adsorption, the kinetics of the adsorption of both ions followed the pseudo-second-order reaction model. It was also determined that almost 25.8 and 61.8% of the hexavalent chromium and zinc ions adsorbed in MCARM could be recovered
M. Arockia Jaswin, D.m. Mohan Lal,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2018)
The behaviour of the cryogenically treated En52 martensitic valve steel has been experimentally analyzed in this paper. Material samples are subjected to deep cryogenic treatment after completing the regular heat treatment. The critical properties of the valve steel like wear resistance, hardness, tensile strength and impact strength are evaluated for the cryo treated En52 valve steel samples as per the ASTM standards. The microstructural changes and the mechanism behind the enhancement of the properties are examined and reported. The precipitation of fine carbides, transformation of retained austenite and refinement of carbides were the reasons behind the improvement of the mechanical properties. Deep cryogenic treatment process parameters are optimized for better wear resistance, hardness and tensile strength using grey Taguchi technique. Deep cryogenic treatment process greatly influences the wear resistance, a maximum enhancement of 54% is observed
F. Sousani, R. Mozafarinia, A. Eshaghi, H. Jamali,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2018)
In this research, Germanium-carbon coatings were deposited on ZnS substrates by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) using GeH4 and CH4 precursors. Optical parameters of the Ge1-xCx coating such as refractive index, Absorption coefficient, extinction coefficient and band gap were measured by the Swanepoel method based on the transmittance spectrum. The results showed that the refractive index of the Ge1−xCx coatings at the band of 2 to 2.2 µm decreased from 3.767 to 3.715 and the optical gap increased from 0.66 to 0.72 eV as CH4:GeH4 increases from 10:1 to 20:1.
F. Salehtash, H. Banna Motejadded Emrooz, M. Jalaly,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (6-2018)
Mesoporous SiO2 nanopowder was synthesized under an acidic condition by a sol-gel method using various amounts of cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) as structure directing agent. The samples were investigated with XRD, SEM, FTIR, TEM and N2 absorption-desorption analysis. Also, the incremental effect of surfactant were examined. The results obtained from the analysis suggested that an increase in the amount of surfactant resulted in increasing specific surface area, pore size and pore volume, of the synthesized particles up to 549 m2.g-1, 17.3 nm, and 2 cm3.g-1, respectively. Absorption behavior of the mesoporous silica was investigated for degradation of methylene blue pigments (MB) in aqueous solutions. The samples SC0, SC0.5 and SC1 showed the maximum absorption capacities of 333, 454 and 526 mg/g, respectively
M. Abbasalizadeh, R. Hasanzadeh, Z. Mohamadian, T. Azdast, M. Rostami,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (12-2018)
Shrinkage is one of the most important defects of injection molded plastic parts. Injection molding processing parameters have a significant effect on shrinkage of the produced parts. In the present study, the effect of different injection parameters on volumetric shrinkage of two polymers (high-density polyethylene (HDPE) semi-crystalline thermoplastics and polycarbonate (PC) as a representative of amorphous thermoplastics) was studied. Samples under different processing conditions according to a L27 orthogonal array of Taguchi experimental design approach were injected. Effect of material crystallinity on the shrinkage of injected samples was investigated. Obtained results revealed that semi-crystalline thermoplastics have larger shrinkage values in comparison with amorphous thermoplastics. Shrinkages of injected samples were also studied along and across the flow directions. Results showed that the flow path can dramatically affect the shrinkage of semi-crystalline thermoplastics. However for amorphous thermoplastics, results showed an independency of obtained shrinkage to flow direction. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) results illustrated that cooling time was the most effective parameter on shrinkage for both PE and PC injected samples; followed by injection temperature as the second important parameter. The optimum conditions to minimize shrinkage of injection molded samples are also achieved using signal to noise ratio (S/N) analysis.
H. Darrudi, M. Adelifard,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2019)
In this paper we have investigated the physical properties of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) thin films prepared at various substrate temperatures of 230, 260, 290, 320 and 350 oC using spray pyrolysis technique. We have compared these films from various viewpoints, including structural, morphological, optical, electrical and thermos-electrical properties. XRD analysis showed a phase shift from graphene oxide (GO) to RGO due to elevate the substrate temperature from 200 oC to higher temperatures. FESEM images of RGO thin films reveal that a stacked image of irregular and folding nanosheets, and rod-like features at temperatures below and above 290 oC; respectively. Optical studies showed that the layers have a relatively high absorption coefficient (∼0.8×104 to 1.7×104 cm−1) in the visible range, with an optical band gap of 1.67–1.88 eV. The Hall effect data showed that all samples have a p-type conductivity with a hole concentration of ∼1015 cm−3, and sheet resistance values of about 106 Ω/sq, in agreement with previous reports. The thermoelectric measurements revealed that with increasing applied temperature gradient between the two ends of the samples, the thermoelectric electromotive force (emf) of the prepared RGO thin films increases.