دکتر مهدی نجفی خواه

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1401/2/26 | 
دکتر مهدی نجفی خواه، استاد


هندسه دیفرانسیل 

نظریه هم ارزی 

کنترل هندسی

 ایمیل: m_nadjafikhah(At)iust.ac.ir
 تلفن: 73225426 (9821+) داخلی: 5426
 فاکس: 77240302  (9821+)
 کدپستی: 1684613114
 آدرس:تهران، میدان رسالت، خیابان هنگام، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
 آدرس وب سایت : http://Webpages.iust.ac.ir/m_nadjafikhah
 آزمایشگاه مجازی
 آزمایشگاه پژوهشی

  تحصیلات | افتخارات | زمینه های تحقیقاتی | مسئولیت های اجرایی | تالیفات | آزمایشگاه تحقیقاتی | تجارب آموزشی | سوابق تدریس دانشگاهی    


 دکتری ریاضی، دانشگاه علم وصنعت ایران

 فوق لیسانس ریاضی، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران

 لیسانس ریاضی، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران

 کسب مقام سوم کشوری در هفدهمین مسابقات ریاضی کشور در سال 1371 که در دانشگاه رازی کرمانشاه برگزار گردید.

 کسب رتبه اول - کارشناسی ریاضی - دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران - 1370

 کسب رتبه اول - کارشناسی ارشد ریاضی - دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران - 1372 



 هندسه دیفرانسیل 

 نظریه هم ارزی 

 کنترل هندسی


 مدیر گروه ریاضی محض از سال 4/خرداد/79 تا 7/مرداد/83

 معاون پژوهشی دانشکده از سال 18/آبان/87 تا 9/اردیبهشت/93

 رئیس دانشکده ریاضی از 9/اردیهشت /93 تا دیماه 97



  1. آمادگی برای امتحان ریاضی عمومی 1 - انتشارات بهمن برنا - 1379
  2. آمادگی برای امتحان ریاضی عمومی 2 - انتشارات بهمن برنا - 1380
  3. آمادگی برای امتحان محاسبات عددی - انتشارات بهمن برنا - 1383
  4. حساب دیفرانسیل ، انتگرال و هندسه تحلیلی جلد 2 - انتشارات ساحل اندیشه تهران - 1384
  5. هندسه دیفرانسیل ساده - انتشارات ساحل اندیشه تهران - 1383
  6.  ریاضی عمومی 1 - انتشارات ساحل اندیشه تهران - 1385
  7. ریاضی عمومی 2 - انتشارات ساحل اندیشه تهران – 1384

  1. Symmetry and invariants of 2-dimmensional Rici flow
  2. Hamiltonian structure of the WBK eqsuations
  3. Fostering mathematical creativity in learning environments
  4. Symmetry Reduction of Two-Dimensional Damped Kuramoto—Sivashinsky Equation
  5. Potential symmetries and conservation laws for generalized quasilinear hyperbolic equations
  6. Hamiltonian structure of the WBK eqsuations .Sixth seminar on geometry and topology
  7. Symmetry and invariants of 2-dimmensional Rici flow.Sixth seminar on geometry and topology
  8. Symplectic classification of exterior 2-forms.Sixth seminar on geometry and topology 
  9. The third national conference on education.Fostering mathematical creativity in learning environments 
  10. Correspondence between G-parameter Lie groups of local diffeomorphisms and g¡regular k-vector Fields, In 31st Iranian Mathematics Conference, pages 38-49, 2000. (with E. Esrafilian)
  11.   · E^k-functor, a new geometric object which is a generalization of the ordinary tangent object , In 31st Iranian Mathematics Conference, pages 56-67, 2000. (with E. Esrafilian)
  12.   · Computer aided Lie theory of differential equations , In 2nd International Conference of Applied Mathematics, pages 25-27, 2000.
  13.   · Geometry of differential equations , In 2nd Joint Seminar on Applied Mathematics, 2000.
  14.   · Decomposition of higher order geometric structures , In First Seminar of Geometry and Topology, pages 131-139, 2001.
  15.   · A new solution for the ane equivalence problem , In 2nd Joint Seminar on Applied Mathematics, 2003.
  16.   · Classification of curves y^3 = c_3x^3 + c_2x^2 + c_1x + c_0 up to projective transformations, In 34st Iranian Mathematics Conference, 2003, Persian.
  17.   · Classification of homogeneous forth order equations with real coe±cients up to a±ne transformations , In 4th Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications, pages 134-137, 2004.
  18.   · Galilean space-times , In 3 st Seminar of Geometry and Topology, page 18, 2003, Tabriz University, Persian. (with A.R. Forough)
  19.   · T-boundle , In 3st Seminar of Geometry and Topology, page 19, 2003. Tabriz University, Persian. (with H.R. Salimi-Mo.)
  20.   · Finsler vector bundles and metrizable connections , In 36st Iranian Mathematics Conference, pages 52-54, 2005. (with A. Mahdipour-Sh.)
  21.   · Generalized classical time-space , In 4st Seminar of Geometry and Topology, page 13, 2007. (with S.M. Mousavi)
  22.   · Isometric group of Finsler spaces , In 38st Iranian Mathematics Conference, pages 45-47, 2005. (with A. Mahdipour-Sh. and H.R. Salimi-Mo.)
  23.   · The exterior differential system , In 38st Iranian Mathematics Conference, page 12, 2006. (with R. Aghayan)
  24.   · Cartan equivalence method for 3rd order odes up to time-fixed transformations , In 37st Iranian Mathematics Conference, pages 63-65, 2006. (with A.R. Forough)
  25.   · Cartan construction for finite dimensional Lie pseudo-groups , In 4st Seminar of Geometry and Topology, page 12, 2006. (with A. Mahdipour-Sh.)
  26.   · Equivalence 2nd order odes by time-fixed transformations , In 4st Seminar of Geometry and Topology, page 14, 2006. (with A.R. Forough)
  27.   · Exterior differential systems with symmetry , In 38st Iranian Mathematics Conference, page 13, 2006. (with R. Aghayan)
  28.   · Geometrical foundations of numerical algorithms and symmetry , In 38st Iranian Mathematics Conference, page 180, 2006. (with Sara Mehdipour)
  29.   · Equivalence of surfaces , The 1st International conference of Mathematics and its Applications, page 89, 2008. (with S.A. Shirafkan)
  30.   · On Cartan's method of moving frames , submitted by In 39th Iranian Mathematical Conference, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, 491-494, 2008. (with A. Mahdipour-Sh.)
  31.   · Solution of nonlinear ODEs by first integrals , In 8th Seminar on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Isfahan, pp. 29-32, 2008. (with S.R. Hejazi)
  32.   · Point and contact symmetry for a non-linear differential equation , In 5th seminar on geometry and topology, 12-14 May 2009, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran. (with A. Mahdipour-Sh.)
  33.   · Classification of Lie symmetries for general Burger's equation , 40st Iranian Mathematics Conference, 2009. (with R. Bakhshandeh-Ch.)
  34.   · Mathematical creativity and mathematical education , National Conference on modern instructional method, May 19 & 20, 2010, Shahid Rajaee Uni., Tehran, Iran. (with N. Yaftian and Sh. Bakhshalizadeh)
  35.   · Structure of symmetry groups via Maurer-Cartan's forms , The 1st Regional Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Engineering Sciences, 24 February 2010. (Persian) (with M. Abdolsamadi)
  36.   · Application of Cartan's equivalence method in symmetries of differential equations , The 1st Regional Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Engineering Sciences, 24 February 2010. (Persian) (with E. Oftadeh)
  37.   · Symmetry method in solving differential equations in chemistry and biochemistry , The 1st Regional Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Engineering Sciences, 24 February 2010. (Persian) (with P. Ahmadi)
  38.   · Characterization of different types of foliations on the tangent bundle of a Finsler Manifold , 41st Annual Iranian Conference of Mathematics, Urmia University, Urmia-Iran, September 12-15, 2010. (with F. Ahangari)
  39.   · Symplectic classification of 2¡forms in dimension 4, 41st Annual Iranian Conference of Mathematics, Urmia University, Urmia-Iran, September 12-15, 2010. (with S.R. Hejazi)
  40.   · Cartan equivalence problem for Riemannian metrics , 41th Iranian International Conference on Mathematics 12-15 September 2010, University of Urmia, Urmia, Iran, 2010. (with R. Bakhshandeh-Ch.)

 مدیر مسئول آزمایشگاه تحقیقاتی گروهی هندسه محاسباتی





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