Computational Geometry

 | Post date: 2023/09/27 | 
Computational Geometry
About Us:                      
The main tasks of the Computational Geometry Laboratory (CAG) are :
• Conducting fundamental and applied research in the field of computational geometry
• Teaching students in the field of computational geometry
• Cooperation with other universities and research institutes
Some of the main research areas of the CAG laboratory are:
• Digital geometry .
• Computational algebraic geometry .
• Computational differential geometry .
CAG laboratory has advanced facilities for performing computational geometry research, including :
• A powerful computing center .
• A comprehensive library of computational geometry resources .
• A team of talented researchers and students .
CAG laboratory is actively involved in the field of computational geometry. This laboratory has published many articles in prestigious journals and conferences, and its members regularly participate in international seminars and workshops .
Here are some specific projects Presented by CAG Laboratory :
• Development of new algorithms for geometric data processing .
• Development of new software for computational geometry .
• Application of computational geometry in different fields, such as robotics, image processing and artificial intelligence . CAG Lab is an invaluable resource for computational geometry students and researchers. This laboratory helps the development and progress of computational geometry in Iran . are some more details about each of the CAG Lab's duties :
Conducting basic and applied research in the field of computational geometry .
CAG laboratory conducts research on a wide range of computational geometry issues, including the development of new algorithms for geometric data processing, the development of new software for computational geometry, and the application of computational geometry in various fields .
Teaching students in the field of computational geometry
CAG laboratory organizes various educational courses in the field of computational geometry, including undergraduate, master's and doctoral courses. CAG laboratory also supports students in carrying out their research projects .
Cooperation with other universities and research institutes
CAG laboratory collaborates with other universities and research institutes around the world. These collaborations are in the form of participating in joint research projects, holding joint seminars and workshops, and exchanging students and researchers .
CAG laboratory is an important center for computational geometry research in Iran. This laboratory helps the development and progress of computational geometry in Iran and provides valuable educational and research opportunities to students and researchers in this field .
    Dr. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Prof.



 Dr. Mohammad Bagher Ghaemi
Associate Prof.

Dr. Parastoo kabinejad
Assistant prof.



[1] Conformal Einstein PP-Wave as Quantum Solutions, Accepted by Journal of Mathematical Extension, 2022. (M. Nadjafikhah, Y. Aryanejad and N. Zandi)
[2] Applying Moving Frames to finding Conservation Laws of the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation, Accepted by Computational Methods for Differential Equations, 2022. (M. Nadjafikhah,  Y. Masoudi and M. Toomanian)
[3] On Noethers Conservation Laws of the Sine-Gordon Equation using Moving Frames, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. In Press, 114, 2022. (Collaborated by Y. Masoudi and M. Toomanian)
[4] Geodesics for a general (α, β)−metric in two dimensional Finsler spaces, Accepted by International Journal of Industrial Mathematics, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, A. Goodarzian and M. Toomanian)
[5] Some dynamical properties of fractional-order cholera model, Accepted by Dynamic Systems and Applications, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah and S. Shagholi)
[6] Compact Lorentzian h-almost Ricci solitons, Accepted by Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Jamreh and C. Boubel)
[7] Symmetry analysis of Vaidya-Bonner metric, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 13 (2022) No. 1, 563-571. (M. Nadjafikhah, R. Bakhshandeh Ch. and D. Farrokhi)
[8] On Homogeneous weakly stretch Finsler metrics, Bull. Iran. Math. Soc. 48, 1930 (2022). (M. Nadjafikhah, H. Tondro-Vishkaei, M. Toomanian and R. Chavosh-Katamy)
[9] Order reduction of non-Lie symmetry equation  ̈x = (f (t, x) + g(t, x)  ̇x)ex through λ−symmetry method, Hyperscience International Journal, 1(1), 5056 (2021). (M. Nadjafikhah, Kh. Goodarzi)
[10] Symmetry and invariance of the Reynolds equation, Journal of Mathematical Extension, 2021. (M. Nadjafikhah, Mar. Yourdkhany)
[11] Conservation laws and exact solutions of the (3 + 1)−dimensional JimboMiwa equation, Advances in Difference Equations, Vol. 2021, No. 1, 1-17, 2021. (M. Nadjafikhah, E. Alimirzalou and J. Manafian)
[12] On the symmetry properties of a nonlinear acoustics model, Hyperscience International Journal, 1(1), 4449., 2021. (Collaborated by L. Hamedi-Mobara)
[13] Apply new optimized MRA & invariant solutions on the generalized-FKPP equation, International Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Computations, 2021. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani and M. Toomanian)
[14] Some new exact solutions of (3 + 1)−dimensional Burgers system via Lie symmetry analysis, Advances in Difference Equations, Vol. 2021, No. 1, 1-17, 2021. (M. Nadjafikhah, E. Alimirzalou and J. Manafian)
[15] Conservation laws and Lie symmetry analysis of foam drainage equation, AUT J. Math. Com., 2(1) (2021) 37-44. (M. Nadjafikhah, O. Chekini)
[16] Group Formalism of Lie transformations, Exact Solutions and Conservation laws of Non-Linear Time-Fractional Kramers Equation, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics Vol. 17, No. 12, 2050190 (2020). (M. Nadjafikhah, Z. Momennezhad)
[17] Lie group analysis for short pulse equation, AUT J. Math. Com., 1(2) (2020) 223-227. (M. Nadjafikhah)
[18] Lie symmetries and exact solutions for one dimensional modified Kuramoto-Sivashinsky eqation, APPS, Vol. 22, 169–180, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, S. Dodangeh)
[19] Symmetry classification and conservation laws for higher order Camassa-Holm equation, Computational Methods for Differential Equations, Vol. 8, No. 2, 364–372, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, V. Shirvani-Sh.)
[20] Apply new wavelet transform method on the generalized-FKPP equation, Computational Methods for Differential Equations, Vol. 8, No. 2, 259–267, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[21] COMBOS2: an algorithm to the input output equations of dynamic biosystems via Gaussian elimination, Journal of Taibah University for Science, 14:1, 896-907, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, A. Kalamy-Yazdi and J. Distefano III)
[22] Preliminary group classification and some exact solutions of 2−Hessian equation, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Vol. 46, No. 4, 1–18, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, Mah. Yourdkhany and M. Toomanian)
[23] Conservation laws and exact solutions of the time-fractional harmonic oscillator equation, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 153 (2020) 103661. (M. Nadjafikhah, Mar. Yourdkhany)
[24] Conservation laws and some exact solutions of time fractional Buckmaster equation, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2050040, 2020. (M. Nadjafikhah, Mah. Yourdkhany and M. Toomanian)
[25] Approximate symmetries and invariant solutions for a family of the generalizations of the Burgers-Korteweg-de Vries model, AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation (AJMS), Vol. 51, No. 2, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, H. Razzaghi and Y. Alipour-Fakhri)
[26] On Birkhoffian systems with Poisson bracket, Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 51, No. 12, 83–91, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Mirala)
[27] Some non-trivial and non-gradient closed pseudo-Riemannian steady Ricci solitons, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, Vol. 15, No. 4, 526–542, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Jamreh)
[28] Generalized symmetries and higher-order conservation laws of the Camassa-Holm equation, International Journal of Fundamental Physical Sciences (IJFPS), Vol 9, No 2, 20–25, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, P. Kabi-Nejad)
[29] Lie symmetry analysis and conservation laws of ZDE, Applied Mathematics, Vol. 21, 175–183, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, N. Asadi)
[30] Approximate symmetry and exact solutions of the perturbed nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation, Computational Methods for Differential Equations, Vol. 7, No. 2, 266–275, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, Rahimian)
[31] Invariant solutions of generalized Fisher-KPP equation, MathLAB Journal, 2(1), 2019, 126–132. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Khameforush-Yazdi)
[32] Some exact solutions of KdV-Burgers-Kuramoto equation, J. Phys. Commun. 3, 035025, 2019. (M. Nadjafikhah, E. Alimirzalou)
[33] Solving differential equations by wavelet transform method based on the mother wavelets & differential invariants, Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics Vol. 14, 2018, 74–86. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani and M. Toomanian)
[34] Moving frames and conservation laws of a Lagrangian invariant under the Hyperbolic Rotation-Translation group, Hokkaido Math. J., Volume 47, Number 3, 557–579, 2018. (M. Nadjafikhah, Y. Masoudi)
[35] Main scalars for a three dimensional Finsler space with a general (α, β)-metric, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No. 4, 670-683, 2018. (M. Nadjafikhah, A. Goodarzian and M. Toomanian)
[36] Symmetry group classification for generalized reaction-diffusion-convection equation, Applied Sciences, Vol.20, 2018, 139-147. (M. Nadjafikhah, S. Dodangeh)
[37] Geodesics for square metric in a two dimensional Finsler space, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No. 12, 15503-15513, 2018. (M. Nadjafikhah, A. Goodarzian and M. Toomanian)
[38] On main scalar of two dimentional Finsler spaces with (α, β)-metric, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 57, No. 3, 2018. (M. Nadjafikhah, A. Goodarzian and M. Toomanian)
[39] Solving differential equations by new optimized MRA and invariant solutions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8, No. 3, 291–303, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[40] Symmetries of generalized Fisher equation with t−dependent coefficient, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 117(3), 401–413, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[41] Mathematical modeling of optimized SIRS epidemic model and some dynamical behavior of the solution, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 8 No. 2, 125-134, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, S. Shagholi)
[42] On the changes of variables associated with the Hamiltonian structure of the Harry-Dym equation, Global journal of advanced research on classical and modern geometry, Vol.6, (2017), Issue 2, 83–90. (M. Nadjafikhah, P. Kabi-Nejad)
[43] Closed pseudo-Riemannian Ricci solitons, Journal of Mathematical Physics 58, 101505 (2017). (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Jamreh)
[44] Solving differential equations by new wavelet type transform method based on the wavelets and symmetry groups, J Generalized Lie Theory Appl, 2017, 11:2, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[45] Symmetry classification of newtonian incompressible fluids equations flow in turbulent boundary layers, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-mat. nauki, 18:2, 41–52, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, S.R. Hejazi)
[46] Solving differential equations by new wavelet transform method based on the quasi-wavelets and differential invariants, Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 49(3), 149–162, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[47] Symmetries of the generalized fisher equation with x−dependent coefficient, International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, Vol 28(4), 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, H.R. Yazdani)
[48] Approximate symmetry and exact solutions of the singularly perturbed Boussinesq equation, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 53, 1–9, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Rahimian and M. Toomanian)
[49] Approximate symmetry and solutions of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with a small parameter, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., Vol. 14, 1750046, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, M. Rahimian and M. Toomanian)
[50] Approximate nonlinear self-adjointness and approximate conservation laws of the Gardner equation, Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 49(1), 25–30, 2017. (M. Nadjafikhah, N. Pourrostami)



1. Application of symmetries in wavlets, IUST, 1396 (2017), Mehdi Nadjafikhah.
2. Improving the differential geometric computing methods, IUST, 1397 (2018), Mehdi Nadjafikhah.
3. Symmetry study of fractional differential equations, 1398 (2019), Mehdi Nadjafikhah.
4. Moving frames and conservation laws, 2012-2017. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Yousef Masoudi.
5. Solving and properties of geodesic equations of a family of Finsler metrics, 2012-2018. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Afsoon Goodarzian.
6. Geometry of Ricci solitons on semi-Riemannian manifolds, IUST, 2012-2019. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Maryam Jamreh.
7. Geometric structure of Burger’s equation and its generalizations, IUST, 2013-2021. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Elnaz Alimirzaloo
8. Optimization mathematical model of infectious diseases, IUST, 2013-2019. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Saeid Shagholi form Semnan University.
9. Perturbation analysis of mathematical models in engineering and physical sciences with a small parameter, 2013-2021. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Hamid Razaghi.
10. On the Einstein-Weyl equation, 2014-. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Nishtman Zandi.
11. PDEs and their symmetries, 2015-2020. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Mahdieh Yourdkhany.
12. Symmetry and invariance of DEs, 2015-2020. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Maryam Yourdkhany.
13. Symmetry and thair applications in PDEs, 2013-2020. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Zahra Momen-nezhad.
14. On geometrical symmetries and coservation laws for some space-times on riema-nian manifolds, 2015-2020. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Ruholah Bakhshandeh-Ch. and Davood Farokhi.
15. Dynamic data visualization in the market economy, IUST, 2019-. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, by Rabon Ghafari
16. Geometric structure and exact solutions of Fokker-Plank equations, IUST, 2020- Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Samar AL-Nassar form University of Thi-Qar, Iraq.
17. Geometric analysis of approximate solution of fractional dynamical system for (HTLV-1) Virus of CD+4 T -cells, IUST, 2021-. Mehdi Nadjafikhah, Hind Al-Bdeiri from University of Al-Qadisiya, Iraq.



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