M. Alipour, S. Mirjavadi, M. K. Besharati Givi, H. Razmi, M. Emamy, J. Rassizadehghani. EFFECTS OF Al-5TI-1B MASTER ALLOY AND HEAT TREATMENT ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE AND DRY SLIDING WEAR BEHAVIOR OF AN Al-12Zn-3Mg-2.5Cu ALLOY. IJMSE 2012; 9 (4) :8-16
Abstract: (29270 Views)
In this study the effect of Al–5Ti–1B grain refiner on the structural characteristics and wear properties of Al–12Zn–3Mg–2.5Cu alloy was investigated. The optimum amount for Ti containing grain refiners was selected as 2 wt.%. T6 heat treatment, (i.e. heating at 460 °C for 1 h before water quenching to room temperature and then aging at 120 °C for 24 h) was applied for all specimens before wear testing. Dry sliding wear resistant of the alloy was performed under normal atmospheric conditions. The experimental results showed that the T6 heat treatment considerably improved the resistance of Al–12Zn–3Mg–2.5Cu alloy to dry sliding wear.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |