Dr. Akbar Dehghannezhad

 | Post date: 2022/11/6 | 

Dr. Akbar Dehghannezhad

Cohomological Equation
Dynamical System

 Email : dehghannezhad(At)iust.ac.ir
 Phone : (+9821) 73225406 Ext.: 5406
 Fax: (+9821) 77240302
 Postal code: 1684613114  
 Address : Iran University of Science & Technology, University St., Hengam St., Resalat Square, Tehran, Iran.
 Home page: -
  Virtual lab
  Research laboratory

     Educations  | Honors and Awards  | Research Interests | Executive Responsibilites |  Publications | Research laboratory | Courses    


 Ph.D. in Mathematics (Differential Geometry), (Lamav) Valenciennes University, Valenciennes, France, December 2006.
 M.Sc. in Pure-Mathematics (Geometry and Topology), Iran University of Sciences and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1995.
 B.Sc. in Mathematics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran, 1991.





  Cohomological Equation

  Dynamical System


  Associate Perofessors , Iran University of Science & Technology ( from January 2013).




 Computational Geometry Research Laboratory

 Under graduate:



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